
RBF digital

Below is a list of articles from the Banking and Finance magazine.

The EU-wide stress test: past, present and future

In the aftermath of the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, supervisors have started…

The EU-wide stress tests of EBA/SSM: necessity and guarantee for a resilient banking sector?: some introductory remarks

The purpose of a stress test for banks is straightforward: determine how…

Recovery and Resilience Plans in Belgium, Germany, France, Italy and Spain

This article analyses the Recovery and Resilience Plans submitted by the four…

The impact of Fintech and digitisation on the Belgian banking sector

This study by the National Bank of Belgium (NBB) analyses the trends,…

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Les marchés financiers, théâtres d’inégalités exacerbées

BOOK: Humanizing Strategy: How to Master Emotions, Values and Beliefs When You Execute Plans

The book ‘Humanizing Strategy’ provides you with new insights; an unconventional approach…

The EU Recovery Plan: economic rationale and insights for Belgium

Economists regard COVID-19 as a global and exogenous shock. In response, the…

Housing finance can make the difference

Energy and rent prices are currently soaring for European households, with such…

Transition risk associated with real estate exposures calls for data on energy performance

This article – which is based on a presentation given on 28…

Crypto- and CBD Currencies: What is the Future of Digital Finance?

Report of the intervention of Maria Demertzis, Deputy Director of Bruegel, during…

Update on Asset Management and Non-bank Financial Intermediation in Belgium

This article summarises the main findings of the most recent joint update…

Robert Triffin and the international monetary system: past, present and future

This article contains the speeches from the Symposium for the publication of…

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