
RBF digital

Below is a list of articles from the Banking and Finance magazine.

Responsible Investing wordt stilaan de norm binnen KBC

At KBC, sustainability is an integral part of the group strategy: we…

Towards a ‘new normal’ for the monetary system?

This article summarizes the key-messages of the presentations given by Freddy Van…

Resetting EMU: a one-off package deal for EMU’s member states

The debt which is acquired by the ECB under the PSPP is…

Currencies as economic weapons

The western sanctions freezing large parts of Russian foreign reserves explicitly used…

A helicopter view of young Belgian retail investors

This article analyzes the behavior of Belgian retail investors over different age…

The euro area outlook: some analytical considerations

This is the speech given by Philip R. Lane, Member of the…

We are in all of these challenges together and we are all part of the solution

This article is based on the closing speech given by Johan Theys,…

The challenges of good corporate citizenship

This article is based on the key-note speech given by Andrea Enria,…

This federal government acknowledges the importance of sustainable investment and wants to strengthen it in the years to come

This article is based on the key-note speech given by Belgium’s Deputy…

Raising awareness for sustainability is a crucial part of the financial sector’s social role

This article is based on the introductory speech given by Karel Baert,…

Why and how are we investing in gender balance at sector level in Finance?

So many reasons why investing in gender balance and inclusion make sense.…

Stress Testing: a Bank’s Perspective

In a context which is increasingly volatile and unpredictable, with new challenges…

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