
RBF digital

Below is a list of articles from the Banking and Finance magazine.

Photo by Karan Bhatia

Is er nog toekomst voor de Europese industrie?

Is er nog een toekomst voor de Europese industrie? De voorbije jaren regende het doemverhalen over de Europese maakindustrie. Het aandeel van de industrie in termen van toegevoegde waarde en werkgelegenheid blijft verder dalen. Is dat negatieve sentiment terecht of overdreven?

Photo by Joachim Schnürle

De uitdaging van de inflatie

De inflatie-opstoot van 2021 werd veroorzaakt door een combinatie van koopkrachttoename na de pandemie, plotse stijgingen van gasprijzen en grote toeleveringsproblemen.

Photo by Christian Lue

Wat is de impact van het nieuwe Europese begrotingskader op de Belgische overheidsfinanciën?

In 2024 is een nieuw Europees begrotingskader van kracht geworden. Het vervangt de oude begrotingsregels, die te complex werden geacht en onvoldoende werden nageleefd. Wat zijn de belangrijkste kenmerken van dit nieuwe kader?

Photo by Possessed Photography

The Trends of Corporate Bond Issuance and their possible explanations. A study on the bond issues by public firms in Belgium, France and Germany

This article investigates corporate bond issues in Belgium, France and Germany, with a particular focus on the propensity to secure these issues. Differences are observed across countries and over time.

Photo by Heidi Fin

Determinants of Retail Investor E-Trading App Usage: Analyzing Economic Factors and the Impact of COVID-19 on E-Trading App User Numbers (2017-2021)

Digital platforms have expanded retail investors’ access to financial markets, making user engagement drivers crucial to understand. Trading apps, facilitating low-threshold access to financial markets, have reshaped this landscape and bolstered retail investor participation.

Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel

Advertising appeals in publiciteit voor financiële producten. Verschillende appeals voor high- en low involvement producten.

In deze masterscriptie is het gebruik van reclame-uitingen in advertenties voor financiële producten onderzocht, op basis van een dataset van 100 advertenties om de meest voorkomende uitingen voor producten met een hoge en een lage betrokkenheid te identificeren.

Photo by Loic Leray

Gestion des risques et politique monétaire : un vrai jeu d’équilibre !

The Eurosystem, to which the NBB belongs, is responsible for conducting monetary policy for the euro area, while incurring as little risk as possible. But striking the right balance is like walking a tightrope, as you will discover in this article!

Photo by Nitish Meena

Fusions et acquisitions vertes, étude de la réaction des rivaux

This study analyses the impact of green mergers and acquisitions (M&A) on rivals in the U.S. market. The findings show that green M&A strengthen the competitive position of acquirers through the integration of clean technologies, while creating a disadvantage for non-green rivals.

Photo by Austin Distel

Pension savings funds and dollar cost averaging: a long-term study

This article investigates various strategies for investing the yearly fiscal limit into an individual pension savings fund. Multiple common investment approaches are evaluated.

Photo by Oren Elbaz

Are holdings hidden treasures in the Belgian stock market?

This article provides an analysis on the undervaluation of Belgian Holdings and its determinants.

Photo by Precondo CA

The low-risk anomaly in large emerging markets

The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) assumes a positive risk-return relationship. This positive risk- return relationship has been questioned and rejected in literature due to the existence of other persistent factor premia.

Photo by Anne Nygård

Green monetary policy: analysing the impact of ECB green policy announcements on the performance of green bonds

This article examines how the European Central Bank's (ECB) green policy announcements impact the performance of green bonds, focusing on five green ECB speeches.

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