
RBF digital

Below is a list of articles from the Banking and Finance magazine.

Yeshi kangrang EV9 Io66t Dm0 unsplash

Hoe kan de risicofunctie in het huidige klimaat bijdragen tot de implementatie van de bedrijfsstrategie?

Enrique bancalari u P Qi Cf9o1 Y unsplash

Impact de l’explosion mondiale des prix sur les entreprises belges

How can the financial sector be a partner for the future?

This is the speech given by Febelfin-CEO Karel Baert at this year’s…

The financial sector, a partner for the future

This is the speech given by vice-prime minister and minister of Finance,…

Grab Ce9c G07ni1 E unsplash

Betalen met een digitale euro: hebben wij daar nood aan?

Andreas gucklhorn 7n V4 CZS Ioxg unsplash

Tegenwind steekt op voor de Belgische woningmarkt

Bruno martins Gk Zvx Vs HY Ww unsplash

De Belgische woningmarkt: trends en recent verloop

Assessing the impact of two Belgian specificities on competitiveness and purchasing power when an energy shock hits

When facing strong and persistent imported energy price shock, the Belgian economy…

Anne nygard vc v Pg Gq Ar4 unsplash

L’incidence sur les marchés financiers de la transition vers une société bas carbone

Harper van mourik 0yf W Dw HOB0g unsplash

Un nouveau monde, de nouveaux risques… Visions croisées des CEO‘s d’AG Insurance et d’Ethias sur les tendances et les opportunités/enjeux

Tina has left the building, Mr. Recession is knocking on the door

2022 was a year of surprises, not only for investors but also…

Climate change doesn’t leave the financial sector cold

The ECB has published new climate-related indicators for the financial sector, in…

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