
RBF digital

Below is a list of articles from the Banking and Finance magazine.

Coming Down to Earth: How to Tackle Soaring Public Debt

This paper examines policy options for reducing debt ratios, including the effects…

From the New Normal to New Abnormal World: Banks' Risk Profile Shifts in the New Socio-economic Landscape

After a long period of low interest rates, many European banks have…

The EU Banking Sector – Navigating Challenges

The elevated macroeconomic uncertainty due to subdued economic growth, inflationary pressures and…

GDP-linked bonds

The default risk of Belgium government on its debt is currently low…

Navigating the gender gap: key takeaways from Wo.men in Finance’s latest survey on corporate culture and career obstacles

Driven by the goal of creating a more inclusive workplace in the…

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Hoe kan de risicofunctie in het huidige klimaat bijdragen tot de implementatie van de bedrijfsstrategie?

Enrique bancalari u P Qi Cf9o1 Y unsplash

Impact de l’explosion mondiale des prix sur les entreprises belges

How can the financial sector be a partner for the future?

This is the speech given by Febelfin-CEO Karel Baert at this year’s…

The financial sector, a partner for the future

This is the speech given by vice-prime minister and minister of Finance,…

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