
RBF digital

Below is a list of articles from the Banking and Finance magazine.

The Making of the Delors Report: an Insider’s View

The Delors Committee (1988-1989) played a crucial role in the process of…

Which factors drive consumers to adopt crypto-assets? Results from an Austrian survey

The paper summarizes results from three representative surveys in Austria about ownership…

Efficient Resource Allocation in the Context of the Coronavirus Crisis: Towards a Private Equity Fund Financed by Collective Savings

With the coronavirus crisis, we anticipate an aggravation of the inefficiency of…

Crossing the Chasm to the Retail Payments of Tomorrow

Technological advancements, evolving consumer demands and intensifying competition are reshaping the retail…

Monetary Implications of Digital Currencies

Monetary policy implications of three different forms of digital money – cryptocurrencies,…

Politics and Economics of Global Currencies

It appears that the objective of the internationalization of the Renminbi (requiring…

Deep Impact: A Scenario Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis in Belgium

The sanitary measures adopted on a global scale to contain the Covid-19…

The Belgian Economy in Corona Times: The Covid-19 Pandemic is Causing an Unprecedented Economic Rollercoaster

The corona crisis is taking a high human toll, but clearly…

ECB Needs to Finance Corona Budget Deficits

Sooner or later, the ECB must accept that monetary financing in support…

The sharing economy: what, how and why (not)?

Digitalisation is having a growing impact on our daily lives: it has…

Belgian-Chinese Trade Sailing Against the Rousing Winds of Protectionism

International headwinds, like the US-China trade war, are a major concern for…

Book Review: “Behavioural Macroeconomics. Theory and Policy” / Paul De Grauwe & Yuemei Ji

This is a very interesting book. It is very much a book…

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