
RBF digital

Below is a list of articles from the Banking and Finance magazine.

MiFID II and GDPR: Can’t Live with Them, Can’t Live without Them?

“Data is the new electricity”[1]. Het citaat is origineler dan “Data is…

Treat Different People Differently: Making Banking Experiences Relevant, Frictionless and Consistent

In today’s digital world, we constantly get impulses and are granted access…

Market Trends and Innovations in the Belgian Payments Landscape

The last year may be marked as a tipping point for retail…

Towards the Retail Payments of Tomorrow: a European Strategy

Key-note speech given by Benoît Cœuré, Member of the Executive Board of…

A Capital Market Union for Europe

This is the speech given by Ashok Bathia at the IMF –…

CMU and its backdrop

This is the speech given by Poul M. Thomsen at the IMF…

Towards more Capital Markets Integration in Europe

This is the introductory speech given by Jean Hilgers at the IMF…

General Introduction: Corporate Collections of Contemporary Art (Symposium National Bank of Belgium – June 6, 2019)

The Belfius Art Collection: Five Centuries of Belgian Art

The Belfius Art Collection includes some 4,300 objects of Belgian art within…

ING and Art: Discovering New Horizons

Arts and banking often seem worlds apart. ING, however, has been a…

Pros and Cons of Going Public: A Corporate Collector’s Perspective

In today’s environment, corporate art collections are seen as complementing museums. Both…

La collection d’art de la Banque nationale de Belgique

In 1972, the National Bank of Belgium (NBB) began buying works of…

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