
RBF digital

Below is a list of articles from the Banking and Finance magazine.

Weathering the COVID 19 storm: liquidity and solvency of Belgian firms

COVID-19 puts firms under severe strain in countries where the pandemic continues…

The slow recovery of Belgian firms stalled and the second lockdown of November 2020 makes the prospects even more bleak

Seven months after it was launched, the ERMG survey continues to take…

Lessons from the Swedish anti-corona strategy

Contrary to most other (European) countries, Sweden mainly relied on voluntary measures…

The EU Recovery Plan: bouncing back better together towards a green, digital and resilient Europe. What are the opportunities for Belgium?

This article highlights what the European Semester, the annual coordination cycle of…

Banks and Digitalization: Of Customers, Data, Transformation – and Payments

We are told that digitalization changes everything. The great disruption comes and…

The economic policy uncertainty index for Flanders, Wallonia and Belgium

This research note describes the construction of news-based Economic Policy Uncertainty (EPU)…

Does the EU convergence machine still work and how will the COVID19-crisis impact it?

Economic convergence has been one of the explicit goals of the EU…

Banking between two crises

The pandemic may prove to have the same effect on the financial…

Eurozone in Times of Covid-19: Debt Monetisation by Stealth

While the ECB is not allowed to monetise debt formally in the…

The Need for a New Financial Architecture after CORONA, an Opinion

Since the start of the 21st century, the architecture of the financial…

Covid-19 and the Bazooka of the Belgian Financial Sector: Where Did It Go Wrong?

Covid-19 has hit health systems and economies all over the world. To…

The NBB's Consumer Confidence Indicator as a Tool to Monitor the Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on Households

The National Bank of Belgium has been conducting a monthly consumer survey…

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