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Below is a list of articles from the Banking and Finance magazine.

Macroeconomic policies in the short term and the medium term

This is the panel contribution by Philip R. Lane, Member of the…

Belgian corporate sector liquidity and solvency in the coronavirus crisis: a post-first-wave assessment

The COVID-19 crisis has taken its toll on the Belgian corporate sector.…

Towards a digital euro: a step further into the digital area?

In October 2020, the Eurosystem central banks published their report on a…

Evolution or revolution? The impact of a digital euro on the financial system

This is the speech given by Fabio Panetta, Member of the Executive…

Vaccine Economics

The Covid-19 vaccine will supercharge global growth in 2021, but short-term headwinds,…

A Policy Revolution and a Regime Change

The macroeconomic policy revolution accelerated by Covid-19 implies that central bank policy…

Were financial markets (in)sane in 2020?

Relative to other global institutions, financial markets performed remarkably well in 2020…

Limits of the Market

The market system is subject to limits that have to do with…

A Long-Term Perspective on Investing

Despite the pandemic, the long-term paths of slow growth and low inflation…

Why has COVID-19 hit different European Union economies so differently?

This article explores why some countries have been hit economically more than…

The world economy under COVID-19: can emerging market economies keep the engine running?

COVID-19 has led to profound turmoil and severe disruptions in our lives…

Public Finances: Will Belgium Have Fiscal Maneuvering Room to Overcome Future Challenges?

Since the nineteen seventies, our country has built up a bad reputation…

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