Responsible Investing wordt stilaan de norm binnen KBC
At KBC, sustainability is an integral part of the group strategy: we want to play our role in society and hence we explicitly make more sustainable choices ourselves, but we also help our customers in their sustainable transition. We certainly do this in our mutual investment funds. In 1992 KBC was the first financial institution to launch a Responsible Investing fund on the Belgian market, and since then we have not been idle, says Filip Ferrante, Director Corporate Sustainability at KBC Group. We apply strict criteria and exclude weapons and fossil fuels, amongst other things. KBC has its responsible investment criteria assessed in two ways: on the one hand by the Responsible Investing Advisory Board, an independent advisory board of academics, and on the other by complying fully with the requirements of the 'Towards Sustainability' label. In this way, we guarantee our investors that their funds are invested in a responsible way. Responsible Investing is becoming the norm within KBC, and we welcome this wholeheartedly.