Frank Lierman

President BFF prize jury President Editorial Board Bank- en Financiewezen/Revue bancaire et financière
Photo by Caleb Woods

BFF Prize for Best Master’s Thesis 2024: And the Winner Is…

For the third consecutive year, the Belgian Financial Forum has awarded a prize for the best master’s thesis on financial, monetary, and economic topics. And the winner is…

Photo by Leon Wu

BFF-prize for Best Master’s Thesis 2023: and the winner is…

For the second year in a row, the Belgian Financial Forum awarded a prize for the best master’s thesis on a financial, monetary and economic topic.

The BFF prize for best master thesis

This is the speech given by Frank Lierman, Editor in Chief of…

Main Findings on Household Heterogeneity and Policy Relevance

This report summarizes the key messages of the keynote speeches, invited papers…

Learning about Macroeconomic and Financial Stability

Report of the speech given by Peter Praet[1], Former Chief Economist and…

Panel report ‘How sound are banks today?

This is a report of the panel discussion, following the masterclass of…

Financial Integration, Capital Markets Development and Risk Sharing in the Euro Area

Report on the presentation given by mister Philipp Hartmann, Senior Manager and…

Report of the panel debate “Rebuilding trust in Banks: the role of Leadership”

Report based on the panel debate “Rebuilding trust in Banks: the role…

In Memoriam: Jean-Paul Abraham

Op 9 mei 2018 overleed Jean-Paul Abraham, die gedurende vele jaren de…

New legal and material developments in international trade

Report of the speech given by Mr. Karel De Gucht, Belgian Minister…