Frank Lierman

Président du jury Prix FFB Président du comité de rédaction Revue bancaire et financière/Bank- en financiewezen
Photo by Caleb Woods

BFF Prize for Best Master’s Thesis 2024: And the Winner Is…

For the third consecutive year, the Belgian Financial Forum has awarded a prize for the best master’s thesis on financial, monetary, and economic topics. And the winner is…

Photo by Leon Wu

BFF-prize for Best Master’s Thesis 2023: and the winner is…

For the second year in a row, the Belgian Financial Forum awarded a prize for the best master’s thesis on a financial, monetary and economic topic.

80 ans de revues, mais toujours aussi dynamique ! / 80 jaar tijdschriften, maar springlevend!

Op 9 december 2016 vierde het tijdschrift Bank- en Financiewezen zijn 80ste…