
BFW digitaal

Onderstaand vind je een overzicht van artikelen van het tijdschrift Bank- en Financiewezen.

Photo by Immo Wegmann

Twenty-five years of the euro: How the introduction of the single currency changed the conduct of monetary policy and payment and securities settlement systems in the euro area

The “test” Belgium had to pass to be admitted to the monetary union with a single currency included conditions related to the exchange and interest rates applicable to the Belgian franc (BEF) in the years prior to the creation of the euro.

Photo by Drew Beamer

Febelfin - Mémorandum polititque 2024: Le secteur financier, un partenaire pour l’avenir

More than ever, the public and private sectors must work together for a sustainable future. In this memorandum, Febelfin puts forward a number of proposals for concrete and necessary cooperation between the Belgian financial sector and the various levels of government in Belgium.

Photo by Chris Gallagher

Assuralia - Politiek Memorandum 2024: Closing the protection gap

With the elections approaching, Assuralia, the Belgian federation of insurance companies, presents its political memorandum. It focuses on five major social evolutions in the context of which the insurance sector can make a contribution in the interest of citizens

Photo by James Hose Jr

PensioPlus - Politiek Memorandum 2024: Samen sterker voor betere pensioenen

As the spokesperson of the Belgian pension funds, PensioPlus aims to act, taking responsibility and actively participating in the pension debate. PensioPlus calls for action on several fronts and proposes a number of concrete measures.

Photo by krakenimages

Medewerkers aan zet. Hoe bouw je aan de fundamenten van een ideale werkplek?

How to turn a financial institution into a Best Workplace? A successful strategy that connects all employees, a management that gives priority to coaching and buy-in for change, and an open dialogue on motivation, employability and personal growth. These are some factors that made the difference at Bank Van Breda.

Photo by Brooke Cagle

Een Great Place to Work© worden: de uitdaging aangaan om veel terug te krijgen!

What does it mean to be a Great Workplace? How do you measure trust at work? And how do you use the results to become one of the best employers in Belgium?

Photo by Leon Wu

BFF-prize for Best Master’s Thesis 2023: and the winner is…

For the second year in a row, the Belgian Financial Forum awarded a prize for the best master’s thesis on a financial, monetary and economic topic.

Cover boek De Leus Gijsels

“De NIEUWE WERELDECONOMIE Investeren in tijden van superinflatie, hyperinnovatie en klimaattransitie”

"De NIEUWE WERELDECONOMIE" van Koen De Leus en Philippe Gijsels, verplichte lectuur voor economische decison makers.

Photo by Karsten Würth

La productivité face au changement climatique

Stricter climate legislation is initially harmful to productivity, especially for high-emission firms, but spurs innovation and productivity growth in the long run.

Photo by Sinitta Leunen

Addressing Belgium’s Economic Challenges

Supported by strong and timely policy response, the Belgium economy has been resilient to a series of shocks.

02 BFWD 2024 3 JP Servais speech

High level conferentie over financiële educatie

The Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) hosted a high-level international conference on the topic of financial education at its premises in Brussels on 20 February 2024.

Chris leboutillier k015evqb D8 unsplash

Leiden alle wegen naar Parijs? Beleidsmaatregelen ter beperking van de klimaatverandering in ‘s werelds grootste uitstoters van broeikasgassen

Greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise and are the main cause of…

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