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sur le site du Forum financier belge.

Nous sommes un lieu de rencontre pour les secteurs financiers et connexes, les autorités, le monde académique et les entreprises.

Prochains évènements

Date et l'heure

L'intelligence artificielle dans la pratique : éclairage et témoignages de chefs d'entreprise de notre région

Le Forum financier du Hainaut a le plaisir de vous inviter à sa prochaine conférence :

Date et l'heure

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence in the European & Belgian Banking Industry

The Belgian Financial Forum, together with the Social Partners of the banking sector, cordially invites you to an event focusing on the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the European & Belgian banking industry and its workforce. This event will bring together key industry experts to explore how AI is reshaping the banking landscape and to discuss the implications for employees in the sector.

Date et l'heure

Sportsponsoring : risico’s en opportuniteiten in turbulente tijden

Het Financieel Forum Vlaams-Brabant nodigt u uit op een voordracht over sportsponsoring met Wim Lagae, professor aan de KU Leuven, Frederik Vancauteren Chief Commercial Officer bij OHL en Christophe Vanhoutte, Country Manager Belgium bij Unifiedpost Group.

Dernières nouvelles

Photo by Zoshua Colah

Distributieve statistieken voor het vermogen van de Belgische huishoudens in het kader van de nationale financiële rekeningen

Since the beginning of this year, the ECB and the NBB have been publishing data on the distribution of household wealth: the distributional wealth accounts (DWA). These experimental statistics are based on the macro data from the National Accounts and on the micro data from the Household Finance and Consumption Survey.

Photo by NOAA

Environmental and climate-related risks within the FMI landscape

In 2023, the NBB has asked a sample of financial market infrastructures, custodians, payment transaction processors and critical service providers to complete a questionnaire on climate-related risks. The answers showed that the institutions are aware of climate-related risks and that these risks are adequately embedded in the governance framework. However, ...

Photo by Michael Parulava

The impact of the sanctions against Russia and Russian countermeasures

Euroclear Bank played and continues to play an important role in the implementation of international sanctions against Russia. A large share of the assets affected by these sanctions were safeguarded and, following the imposition of the sanctions, effectively frozen or immobilised in the accounts of Euroclear Bank.

Photo by Growtika

Introduction to the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)

The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) aims to enhance the digital resilience of the European financial sector by addressing ICT risks through comprehensive governance, incident management, resilience testing, third-party risk management, and awareness initiatives. Effective from January 2025, DORA targets a wide range of financial entities, ensuring harmonized and stringent ICT security measures across the EU.


Le Forum financier belge a pour objectif de:

  • Diffuser, au sens large, des connaissances relatives à des problématiques
  • Proposer un lieu de rencontre pour le secteur financier et les secteurs apparentés, les pouvoirs publics, la sphère universitaire et les entreprises.
  • Stimuler le débat et l’échange de vues autour des thématiques économiques et financières ;
  • Différents formats sont proposés comme des conférences, des colloques, des réunions-débats, etc.

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