Housing finance EEMI EEM label Covered bonds

Energy and rent prices are currently soaring for European households, with such housing costs representing over 40% of the disposable income among the population earning less than 60% of the median national income, with peaks of around 60% in Greece and Germany.

Energy Efficient Mortgages (EEMs) can help reduce a property’s energy running costs by up to 50% and significantly contribute to financial stability thanks to lowered credit risk, through reduced probability of default and increased property value. Against this backdrop, since 2015 the EMF-ECBC has sought to promote a solution-oriented approach – the Energy Efficient Mortgages Initiatives (EEMI) and its concrete market application, the Energy Efficient Mortgage Label. This Initiative seeks to establish a comprehensive ecosystem from the origination of labelled energy efficient mortgages to green portfolios funded through capital markets, and therein meet evolving ESG criteria, consumer and issuer needs, and facilitate investors’ due diligence.


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Luca Bertalot

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