Hans Degryse

Finance professor KU Leuven
Photo by Adeolu Eletu

The Financial Stability Report: some answers from the Q&A

This short piece describes the answers given during the Q&A regarding the 2024 NBB-Financial Stability Report (Brussels, 22 May 2024) . It discusses the importance of a bank’s balance sheet as well as competition and taxation in interpreting the transmission of monetary policy to lending and deposit rates. It also briefly touches upon recent academic insights regarding how ESG impacts on bank lending policies.

Key findings of the Macroprudential and Financial Stability Report of the National Bank of Belgium

This article is based on the interventions of Jean Hilgers (National Bank…

Weathering the COVID 19 storm: liquidity and solvency of Belgian firms

COVID-19 puts firms under severe strain in countries where the pandemic continues…

Covid-19 and the Bazooka of the Belgian Financial Sector: Where Did It Go Wrong?

Covid-19 has hit health systems and economies all over the world. To…