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Below is a list of articles from the Banking and Finance magazine.

Bilateral Trade Balances Under Focus

Bilateral trade balances have become a growing focus of attention, as some…

Learning about Macroeconomic and Financial Stability

Report of the speech given by Peter Praet[1], Former Chief Economist and…

Panel report ‘How sound are banks today?

This is a report of the panel discussion, following the masterclass of…

How sound are banks today?

Masterclass at the Universiteit Antwerpen, April 4th, 2019.

Quantitative easing

This is a report of the conference on ‘Quantitative Easing’, organised by…

Tackling non-performance loans in Europe

The issue of non-performing loans (NPLs) in Europe continues to be a…

Finishing quantitative easing: impact on Belgium’s government debt

The Eurosystem has spent 73.4 billion euros on Belgian Public Sector Securities…

The New Kid on the Block: ICOs

Initial coin offerings (ICOs) extend the universe of funding sources for firms.…

Impact of fintech and digitalisation on the Belgian banking sector and its supervision

In recent years, the financial sector has been characterised by an increasing…

Equity- and debt-based crowdfunding in Belgium: Developments over the 2012 – 2017 period

Crowdfunding entailing a financial return has gained ground in Belgium. Since 2012,…

MIFID II: Assessing the Market for Investment Research One Year On

Since the introduction of MiFID II in January 2018, asset managers and…

Fiscal Rules

Fiscal rules are important commitment devices to limit fiscal profligacy. They have…

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