CLA Ethibel Towards sustainability label Investors Independent control

The Towards Sustainability Initiative has engaged more than 100 financial institutions from over 10 countries to take their sustainable product offerings to the next level. End 2021, more than 700 products have achieved the Towards Sustainability label, representing 550 billion EUR of European and international assets managed according to the Towards Sustainability Quality Standard. In just two years since its launch end 2019, the Towards Sustainability label has become the market standard and benchmark for sustainable financial products in Belgium and increasingly also in many other European countries. Towards Sustainability has deliberately chosen to be a broad label, which aims to make its impact by appealing to a large group of diverse financial institutions on the one hand and being suitable for retail and institutional investors with different profiles on the other hand. In this way, it aims to gradually make the entire market of financial products more sustainable.



Tom Van den Berghe

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Bfw digitaal editie7 2022 03 artikel vandenberghe