Sustainable Investment Academy E-learning Strategies Opportunities Return

Anyone can invest sustainably. And it doesn't have to be complicated, nor does it require a lot of money. Those are the convictions of Siem de Ruijter (UCLL) and Jasper Vekeman (VFB) that led them to launch Duurzaam Beleggen Academy (Sustainable Investment Academy) earlier this year with a new e-learning platform and website. Their mission is to train as many people as possible in sustainable investing to put them on the road to a more sustainable financial life. The standard training, build on webinars and e-learning, aims for a retail audience. In addition, the Academy organizes special sessions, live or online, tailored for finance professionals.


Siem de Ruijter - Jasper Vekeman

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Bfw digitaal editie7 2022 04 artikel deruijter vekeman