
RBF numérique

Vous trouverez ci-dessous une liste d'articles de la revue bancaire et financière.

Photo by Markus Winkler

The European Artificial Intelligence Regulation (or AI) Act

The long-awaited EU AI Regulation is now final (published in June 2024). What a challenge for the EU ! Finding the right balance between fostering technological innovation and safeguarding the fundamental rights, safety, and health of human beings, is a delicate exercise.

Photo by Markus Spiske

Responsible AI in Finance

Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays a significant role in daily life. For example, in the financial sector, it can be used for fraud detection, loan approvals, and personalized customer service. However, using AI also introduces (or exacerbates) various risks.

Photo by Ambitious Studio* | Rick Barrett

Artificiële intelligentie helpt financiële misdaad indijken

Financial institutions face increasing scrutiny from regulators and must also contend with sophisticated cybercriminals. AI plays a critical role in combating financial crime, especially money laundering, which threatens financial stability and societal safety.

Photo by Sasun Bughdaryan

FSMA publiceert onderzoeksrapport over kosten tweede en derde pensioenpijler en lanceert tool voor pensioenproducten

The Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) launched an online tool that provides an overview of the costs of pension products. The tool was developed following a study carried out by the FSMA at the request of the Belgian government in which it looked at the costs charged by financial institutions for their pension products.

Photo by Behnam Norouzi

The 5 main trends of The New World Economy point to structurally higher inflation and rates

We are on the cusp of a different world, leaving behind 40 years of ever-declining interest rates and inflation. Five defining waves will sweep through the global economy.

Photo by Agefis

Why do mutual insurers still exist?

This paper explores financial as well as operational insurer characteristics in search of answers to the question “Why do mutuals still exist?”.

Photo by Chris Gallagher

Closing the Insurance Protection Gap

This is the opening speech given by Steven Vanackere, Vice-Governor of the National Bank of Belgium, at the Belgian Financial Forum colloquium "Closing the Insurance Protection Gap" (26 February 2024, Brussels).

Photo by FlyD

CyberFundamentals, a tool to reduce the cyber protection gap

The Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium (CCB), the Belgian competent authority for cybersecurity, provides a tool to increase the cybersecurity protection for companies of any size and active in any sector.

Photo by Michael Geiger

Bridging the Gap: Cyber Risks and Insurance Solutions

This article explores the present cyber risk environment, emphasizing the increasing difficulties encountered by businesses.

Photo by Arthur Lambillotte

Energiecrisis bij de gezinnen en bedrijven

Based on anonymized and aggregated transaction data from Belfius' business and individual customers, we analyzed the impact of the energy crisis on companies and households.

Photo by Diane Helentjaris

Des comptes d’épargne plus faciles à comparer grâce à la FSMA

Comparing the interest rates paid by regulated savings accounts has become easier, thanks to the updated Comparison tool for savings accounts available on the Wikifin website.

Photo by Jon Tyson

Het potentieel van de schenk- en erfbelasting

Against the widespread aversion to estate and gift taxes, we call for a reform of these taxes that reduces wealth inequality and generates a large amount of extra tax revenues. We propose that these revenues are used to reduce labour income taxes.

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