Un nouveau monde, de nouveaux risques… Visions croisées des CEO‘s d’AG Insurance et d’Ethias sur les tendances et les opportunités/enjeux

In response to the shifting global political, social and economic landscape and the emergence of new and more serious risks, insurers have been forced to re-examine their role in society and make essential choices. Now more than ever, insurers must play their role as a buffer and safety net that guards against uncertainty. At the same time, the strategic choices they make can help shape the future of society. Increasingly aware of this social responsibility, insurers will be strategically focusing on sustainability and long-term thinking and reaching out to the various government authorities to tackle major challenges in society together. This was the key takeaway from the joint presentation by Philippe Lallemand and Heidi Delobelle, CEO of Ethias and AG Insurance, respectively, at the Financial Forum in Liège on 1 December 2022.